There are times when the Installer just won't work, and you must install the Copland icons manually, using ResEdit. If you haven't yet tried the automatic installer, I highly recommend giving it a shot before using this procedure. However, you are probably here because the Installer didn't work and it told you to install manually. It could be because you already have older Copland icons on your system, and it is having trouble installing over those, or because it couldn't find a resource it needed, or...
Installing the Icons
In any case, the following instructions tell you how to install the Copland icons in your current system. To successfully execute this procedure, you'll need a copy of ResEdit, which is available from Apple. Connect to using an FTP client such as Fetch, and then go into Apple.Support.Area, then Apple.Software.Updates, then US, then Macintosh, then Utilities. Download the file ResEdit_2.1.3.sea.hqx.
It is important you carry out these instructions very carefully, especially if you are unfamiliar with ResEdit. If you don't feel confident enough to do this, then don't! Get someone else to do it for you or don't do it at all! It also wouldn’t hurt to have an Emergency Boot Disk such as the Disk Tools disk that came with your System Software handy, in case something goes wrong.
1. Make a backup copy of your System File. This file is located in your System Folder, and is named, not surprisingly, "System". It is very important to operate on a copy of the file, so if something goes wrong, you’ve got a backup. To make a backup, find the System File in the System Folder, select it, hold down the Option key, and drag it to the desktop. By holding down the Option key, you have told the Macintosh to make a copy of the file instead of just moving it.
2. Load ResEdit, and open the copy of your System File.
3. Open the file called “System File Icons” that came with this package. You should have two windows on your screen, side by side.
4. In the “System File Icons” window, Select All. The best way to do this is by clicking once on the window, to make it the active window, and choosing “Select All” from the Edit menu.
5. Choose Copy from the Edit Menu.
6. Click on the “System” window, to make it the active window, and choose Paste from the Edit menu.
7. When ResEdit asks you if you want to replace the resources, click “Yes”. It is important to click “Yes” and not “Unique ID”.
8. Quit ResEdit, being sure to save the modified System File.
9. Swap System Files. To do this, move your original System File out of the System Folder, and store it somewhere else on your hard disk. (Don't trash it yet!) Then move the modified System File into your System Folder.
10. Perform the same steps with the Apple Menu Options Control Panel. You should use the "Apple Menu Options Icons" file in place of the "System File Icons" when working with the Apple Menu Options Control Panel.
11. Restart your computer.
After it loads up, you should see the new icons! Although your computer should behave just as it did before you swapped System Files, there is no guarantee. To be on the safe side, you should keep the old System File around for a week or two, and so if you find that something does go wrong, you can simply swap System Files again, and you’ll be back where you started.
If you instead see a flashing question mark, and your computer won’t load, it means it can’t find the System Software. To remedy this problem, load up your computer with the Emergency Boot Disk, and place the old System File back in the System Folder. When you restart your computer, it should work just fine again (although you won’t have the new icons.)
If the Recent Items folders in the Apple Menu don't show new icons, see the Troubleshooting section of the main ReadMe.
In any case, good luck, and enjoy your new "Copland" interface! As always, please feel free to send me your questions, comments and suggestions via e-mail. My address is
These icons are provided as a service to the Macintosh community. As such, the entire Copland Icons Release II package is provided "as is". I, David Ordal, make no warranties on this package or anything contained herein, and am not in any way responsible for any damage, destruction, interruptions of work, or loss of data it may cause.